Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) get DNS of your Service

If you have service in AKS and type is LoadBalancer so you may get your DNS also like Firstly in order to use DNS you should have Service type LoadBalancer. If it is type is other you may change it via

 kubectl edit service <yourservicename>

It will create External IP for your service. So if you have and Service which type is LoadBalancer you may take your external IP address of service with below command:

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Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) connect servise to custom domain via ingress

Lets assume we have simple Kubernetes service in Azure, which is sample webpage. It doesnt matter if it is type is NodePort or LoadBalancer or ClusterIp. And we want to connect it to our domain name, for example to

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Dockerize ASP.NET Core Angular application (Solving error: The command “npm install” exited with code 127.)

When you try do dockerize ASP.NET Core application with Angular, you most probably faced with this error.

The command “npm install” exited with code 127.

So, why it happens ?

Because of publish  stage happens on based microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk image. So, this dockerfile contains only dotnet sdk but not npm installed this base image.


What is the solution ?

Continue reading “Dockerize ASP.NET Core Angular application (Solving error: The command “npm install” exited with code 127.)”

Jenkins FxCop xml report view as a HTML format in Windows.

This topic about how I Solved convert XML file which is result of FxCop (Code Analyse Tool) to HTML in Jenkins and publish it as Report.

I recently installed FxCop  (Code Analysis Tool) and FxCop Runner plugin for Jenkins. Everything was ok, I got report file as XML format for my projects within Jenkins, but unfortunately, I didn’t found and plugin for view xml file within Jenkins as HTML.

So how I solved this problem:
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Jenkins Offline problem in Windows Solved!

Topic is about how I solved Jenkins Offline problem on Windows.

I Installed Jenkins for Windows and faced with problem “Offline This Jenkins instance appears to be offline.” As shown above.

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